Be careful what you wish for...

Jul 08, 2007 05:29

However cliche that might be, it is the absolute-100%-best way to describe how I feel right now...And what is happening in my life. Okay, yes, this is about WoW. Yes, that might make me a loser, mock me all you want. But, I am going to rant about something that is VERY important to me...If you wish to quit reading due to lack of interest in the general topic, then stop...Otherwise, here it goes.

I joined TheBrethren about two years ago now, in WoW time, that is a long fucking time. My guild at the time, Marked for Death, joined with TB back when no one even recognized TheBrethren as anything other than another guild... At first, I had no general interest in TB and wanted to leave... It was too large and I didn't know anyone except my few friedns from Marked for Death and I felt insignifigant...Over a period of about two months, this guild grew on me like you would never believe. I fell in love with the idea behind TB and the people in it. When I joined Rodger, my close friend now, was the guild leader. He is the most fantastic leader I have ever seen, not even just in WoW, but at anything he has any passion for what-so-ever. The guild became what it is today, because of him. True, alot of it had to do with the amazing members of this guild fighting right next to him, but we could not have done it without him. I can not express how amazing this man is, I have yet to meet one person that doesn't love him to death. Anyways.

TB has gone through some hard times, uprisings in the guild, losing valuable and loved members to real life, war, family, and even death. We have lost many valued members because of stupid guild politics, as well as banned accounts and childish fights with other members. The point I am trying to make, is that TB has gone to hell, many times, and come right back to the top. The reason for this is Rodger, and the fantastic members that stick by TB, even after losing many of thier close friends, or not getting into the raid group they wanted... I mean, I have lost a fair share of people...I mean, I can name off atleast a dozen of my close friends that have left the guild, or quit Wow...Leaving me with only a few close friends in TB, but I didn't leave. TB stands for something; something impossible to explain in words...Atleast, in my words. We are a family, we are an idea, we are a "philosophy" as Rodger said earlier tonight. We are. That is the best way to describe it; We are. Well, back on topic.

Rodger stepped down as guild leader a few months back, and since then, we have lost atleast 20 important people...Another bad spot. He recently started really playing again, and although he had yet to resume the title of guild master, he practically still is. I mean, he is the best leader, and even without the title, you can't stop someone's natural abilities from shining through. It has been fantastic having him back, things are starting to atleast look brighter for us...

So, enough background story. Rodger is quitting WoW...Atleast for a while. He has alot of personal shit he really needs to take care of, and it is the scariest thing...Because, I know what happened the last time he took a break and I know what happened when he stepped down as Guild Leader of TheBrethren...The problem is, he doesn't feel satisfied leaving the guild. Even though he will not be playing. He wants to leave his account info to someone, someone he trusts, someone he knows will take care of his characters, his name, and the name of TheBrethren. Rodger, asked me tonight, to step up. To take over his account. To raid on Krius(his hunter) or Kearosaki(his warrior) He wants to teach me everything he can about whichever character I wish to play...So, he can leave, and not feel like he is abandoning me. What this means, is I will have to take his plac as a High Comander of Thebrethren, a spot only shared with two other people, right under Guild Leader...And take his spot in Lionidas, as the main puller, and the only hunter(since that is the class I would perfer to play) This really means I will have to step it up. It's such an honor, yet so unbeliveable bitter sweat. I know, that I have to do this...For him, for the guild, for my friends. But, I also know that if I accept this, if I agree to these terms...Rodger will be gone. My closest friend in game, my mentor, my leader. I will be my leader? It almost doesn't seem real or even possible. I know this seems way to serious for a game, and it is. But, at the same time, it is only serious because I accept it to be that way, and I chose for it to be that way. Like I said, this might be rediculous. But, I am about to have an honor bestowed upon me that so many people, not even just guildies, would dream to have...But, in the process with be losing so much. I guess that is all. It's just so unreal, I had to write it all down. Get it out. I am filled with so much emotion right now, so much pain, so much joy, and so much confusion...It's rediculous. well, I am going to shut the fuck up...

(grammer and spelling most likely sucks, I don't feel like proof reading)
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