stolen from heather...again

Apr 04, 2005 17:58


x Full Name: Brandon Tsaptsinos
x Birthday: 10/31/84
x Zodiac: scorpio
x What time is it?: 6pm
x What is the date?: April 4, 2005
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: Crystal (dad wanted a girl what can i say)
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------

x School:graduated eldred
x E-mail:
x Eyes: hazel
x Hair: dark dark brown
x Height: 5'10"
x Shoe Size: 10.5
x Who lives with you? mom dad and grandma
x When is your bedtime? whenever i want bitches!

--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------

x Cried: no
x Worn jeans: yes
x Met someone new: no
x Done laundry: no
x Cursed: mmhmm
x Watched a Movie: no
x Went to the movies: no
x Went shopping: food shopping
x Gotten sick: nope
x Been kissed: nah
x Given a kiss: no
x Lied: no

----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------

x Missed school cuz of weather: yes
x Lit urself on fire: my socks..what try it..feels awesome
x Kept a secret from everybody: yea
x Had an imaginary friend: nah
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: liked a friend alot
x Cried during a Movie? nope but almost cried when the yankees came out of the dugout last night
x Had crush on an teacher? yea def
x Been on stage: yes
x Cut your own hair: no
x Done drugs: never
x Seen a murder: no

------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: PJ and Mark
x First car: 90 Caddilac Sedan Deville
x First real date: Janice
x First real break-up: Janice
x First self purchased album: Shift "Get In"
x First piercing/tattoo: the heart on my arm
x First enemy: Gary Bender is a douche bag
x First big trip: Puerto Rico for my cruise
x First Kiss: 15
x First failing grade: never failed a grade but failed geometry

----------------------In the Last Week -------------------

x Been mean: yes
x Been sarcastic: yes
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes
x Hugged someone: yes
x Fought with your parents? no
x Got in an argument with your best friend: no
x Laughed until you cried: no
x Played Truth or Dare: no
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: yes
x Went to the beach at night: yea but it was underwater lol

-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------

x Called you: no one
x Slept in your bed: me
x Saw you cry: no one
x Made you cry: no one
x Made you laugh: shaun
x You shared a drink with: mom
x You went to the movies: got me
x Went out to eat with: lewis
x Bought you something: dunno
x Sent you an email: Craig from engineer records

-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------

x Black or white? black
x TV or movie? tv
X Cat or dog? cat
x Walmart or target? walmart
x Spring or Fall? Spring
x Sun or rain? sun
x What are you gonna do after this? nothin
x What was the last meal you ate? chicken parm
x Are you bored? mmhmm
x Last noise you heard? the news


x Shampoo: pantene pro-v
x Favorite Color: green
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Summer
x Favorite Movies: mel brooks films

---------------------What are You?-------------------------

x Wearing: shorts and a beater (wanna be comfortable)
x Thinking about: women?
x Listening to: the news

------------------------Have You Ever 2-----------------------

x Been to Canada? no
x Danced Naked? nah
x Skinny dipped? nope
x Stalked someone? no
x Snuck out? nah
x Wished you were the opposite sex: no

------------------------ Random ----------------------------

x Are you bored? yesmmhmm
x Are you lonely? not really
x Are you happy? yea

x Do you drink? nope
x Who named you? an actor on general hospital back in the 80s
x When was the last time you showered? this morning
x What color pants do you have one right now? my shorts are hawaiian themed
x What song are you listening to right now? no song just news
x What color is your shirt? black
x What is right next to you? my tray
x What is your computer desk made of? wood
x Are you eating anything? no
x What did you do last night? uhhhh slept considering the adventure i went on the night before with shaun and heather made me very tired
------------------------- Extras 2----------------------------

x what book are you reading now? nothing
x Nickname: Brando
x Pets: 2 cats
x Siblings: James
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: i dont drink
x Taken any illegal substances: no
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: mmhmm
x Gotten a ticket for something? yea
x Prank called someone: yea probably

--------------------Friends and Life------------------------

x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? nope
x Do you like anyone? sure
x What's the best feeling in the world: heh heh ya i think ya know
x Worst Feeling: heartbreak
x Worst fear: a zombie appocolypseeeee
x Time now: 6:16


x Last car ride: an hour ago
x Last beverage drank: died cherry vanilla dr pepper
x Last shoes worn: steve maddens
x Last cd played: killswitch engage "the end of heartache"
x Last item bought: food?
x Last annoyance: certain people
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