Apr 11, 2005 12:59
In the last week I've had 2 employers get back to me saying that I'm 'overqualified' for their jobs- jobs paying 11 and 12 dollars per hour (which is decent income in this town, supposedly).
On one hand, this is decent news...on the other hand, I need to pay rent next month.
Also, I'm really NOT overqualified. I just have a degree and a bunch of sporadic experience... which basically adds up to me being qualified for an entry-level position.
So I have to find someone willing to hire an 'overqualified' person for more money than they'd usually pay for that position. Or something.
My head is burning.
In other news: I think I had fun this weekend, or perhaps it was just last night. Or perhaps I'm just bleaching my hair and my mind is numb.