Mar 21, 2005 18:33
There was a time not so long ago when I could function on three hours of sleep.
Those days are no more.
Today my first day of my second job in two weeks. This one is set to last one month, with the possibility of being hired on perm at that time. It is two hours each day on public transit, which is better than nearly 4, but still is dumb. The whole idea of only having 4 hours of time to yourself each day before sleeping is lame. It will always be lame, even if I love my job, which never seems very likely.
I'll not be paid for three weeks. This sucks for numerous reasons, but there's nothing I can do.
I work with barbarians, but as much should be expected for $9/hour (which I'm told is good for this area). Good if your idea of good is buying everything from Wal-Mart, perhaps.
My head hurts. I'm somewhere between puking and passing out.. at 7pm. I'll be happier in a tech support position than I will in most regular jobs, but it's still stealing 40 hours for every week of my life, and I can't allow that to happen for too long. But maybe my views will change. Maybe I'll become almost complacent once my income supports more than the bills that are due- it seems to have happened to most everyone else.