Sep 22, 2004 03:06
Rolling Down Hill
I'm a bubble in a pop bottle that sinks to the bottom.
I'm the bird that doesn't fly when pushed from the nest.
I'm the bulb that never turned on.
I'm the seed that didnt grow.
I'm the kitten that can't find the nipple.
I'm the zipper that doesn't zip.
I'm the knot that doesn't hold.
I'm the can of spam never opened.
I'm the bungee that broke.
I'm a dalmation without spots.
I'm the oil drip under the car you ignore.
I'm the yoyo that doesnt return.
I'm the clock that doesn't keep up.
I'm the candy bar that gets stuck in the machine.
I'm the porno with out porn, "o".
I'm the race car driver thats never driven.
I'm the t.v thats black and white.
I'm the dog with its tail between its legs.
I'm the bat thats afraid of the dark.
I'm the shark thats a vegitarian.
I'm the zit that never leaves.
I'm the burger that tastes like ear wax.
I'm the a sentence.
I'm the moment of silence on the telephone.