Two rants

Jan 11, 2010 22:57

* Snagged from ontd_political:

DC Cops Can Arrest You for Carrying More Than Two Condoms

Washington DC police can arrest a woman in any area they’ve declared prostitution free zone. And in a backasswards move to curb prostitution, carrying more than two condoms is considered proof of intention to prostitute.

Sooooo, say I visit Washington DC and I decided to pop into the drug store and grab some condoms. Well, the smallest pack of condoms come in three, which is more than two. So that automatically makes me a prostitute?

Secondly: Washington DC police can arrest a woman

I hope that is just the blogger's interpretation, because if not...this new law applies only to women??? So a male looking to be served by a prostitute can, say, roll around DC with a truck full of condoms and the police can't touch him but a woman riding with him is going to jail for prostitution? Gee, I wonder why they would do that? Probably for the same reason they try to pluck off female prostitutes one by one while leaving male pimps and sex traffickers to grab more females to replace them.

* The spring semester started today. I thought I was okay with regard to books, since I'm just taking one class, the second half of parametric solid modeling. I should have been able to use the same book I used in the fall. Well, the joke was on me. The drafting department upgraded the software we use over the holidays. The company that makes the program made major changes to the software also, which means the entire setup, buttons, commands, etc. have changed and I was up S*** Creek without a paddle. In short, I got Vista-ed. Now I have until 5:00 pm Wednesday to scrape up $115 for the brand new assigned book for the brand new software (no used books!) because even if I could figure out the program on my own, my instructor assigns a lot of reading from the book.

One of the reasons I'm so upset about this is that when I took basic drafting the first time around, my instructor (who is also the head of the drafting department) told us that they didn't change or upgrade programs in the middle of the year because 1) it threw students off and 2) they shouldn't have to buy two different books for two halves of the same class.

Well, off to Ebay and Craigslist to see if I can get a better deal.

* My great-aunt's husband died last week. They were sitting on the bed talking and he just fell over dead. I was sorry to see him go. The funeral was this morning. I wanted to go but I'm in Norfolk, it's in Annapolis, MD and I wouldn't have made it home in time for class.

* Lastly, RIP Miep Gies, age 100.

politics, school, rant

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