Sep 11, 2006 15:41
not a lot has been going on here. we saw hellshock last night with facedowninshit and carl's (from hhig and dimlaia) new band ( drain the sky). they were raaaad. we snuck lucas into the 21+ asunder show on saturday and i think he popped a thousand boners but MAN do i HATE that fucking smoke machine they use sometimes. its not even the good kind that smells like marshmallows or anything. it just makes our contacts dry up.
i applied at a salon. they seem to be fairly interested in me. the owner asked for an interview on the spot and then told me to come by last friday to just kind of check things out on a busy day. he called me that night and left this 5 minute long message about how i should come back and he was glad i came and so on. then on sunday the manager called to see if i could come in for an interview this morning but i didnt get it until this morning and i called but she didnt pick up but she said shed work around my schedule if i couldnt make it. it would be really nice to start making some money again. i forgot what its like to work full time and get a shitload of tips and all that. mmmmmm money.
one of my many cousins from canada is going to be in san diego soon so my mom thought it would be REALLY NCIE if i could come down and see him so i booked tickets for simon and myself. he really hates san diego just because he was so miserable there but he admitted it would be fun. we're doing stuff that we both want to do there AND we're staying with shawnas parents. BONUS! that will DEF. make his trip better ( as well as mine) because staying with my mom is like staying with a ticking time bomb.
we finally went grocery shopping so we can stop eating out when we're both short on cash. THANK GOODNESS. it kind of sucks the hunger out of you when you go somewhere and look at the menu and realize everything is soooo overpriced and you can make it at home for less. agggggh. getting this job wont happen soon enough. its weird to me how badly i want to work there. its not a SUPER fancy place but the cheapest haircut is 41 bucks and the cheapest price for single process color is 65. it could be a lot worse. i have to start over as an assistant too which was expected but the thing that sucks is they dont specialize and i was told that they definitely do color but they focus on cutting. good thing i focussed on color before right? they said if i am doing an awesome job with color they wouldnt hold me back tho so thats nice to hear but i just dont want to focus on cutting when i'm so much better at the other. you know? thats weeeeir.d they just called to schedule the second appointment again and she said the owners reeeally liked me and that i'm "looking good". hahaha. eeee. keep your fingers crossed. they like me a lot and i didnt even snazz myself up. i wore stretch jeans, an amebix shirt , and all black converse one day and they said they liked my look. sign me up.