Jul 17, 2007 03:39
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was an excellent book, alllllll the way until we get to the epilogue. If only JKR stopped at the last chapter, she wouldn't have ruined an otherwise awesome story. Seriously woman. I quote: "That epilogue was like...a bad fanfic that JKR herself actually wrote... It was so...wrong and cheesy and disgusting..."
I must say, I agree.
Props for giving us action every other chapter. The body count exceeds 50. I congratulate the amount of dead people she was able to fit into the novel.
JKR, to me, will be remembered as the spinner of many bad plot devices. Not that they weren't exciting of course, but oh...so...cheesy. My spine still tingles from the cheesiness.
But yes, good book nonetheless.