Feb 07, 2005 20:08
After I found out I DIDN'T make quartet, and the person who made Tenor 1 DIDN'T TRY OUT FOR IT...and I am alternate Tenor 2...AND I DIDN'T TRY OUT FOR IT. But me and Codaaaaaayyyy G decided we are just gonna go and laugh. I'm alternate solo also. And I went to Goss and told him I didn't want that alternate spot, that I didn't want Tenor 2. Give it to someone who does.
So after school...I had BASEBALL. And that was fine. I did o.k. All of the freshmen pretty much couldn't hit. I did well fielding. The end was crap. Duckwalks, sprints, and abs. I was so dead getting home.
So yeah...today was crap...but I'm good.