I hate Cassandra's Earring

Apr 05, 2010 08:43

I've been camping the 2 Mage earrings that were added in the November update on and off since they were put into game. I didn't actively camp them. Only when I had a spare hour here and there.

For some reason, I put more time into camping Blighting Brand at first, and only went after Eldritch Edge when BB's window wasn't up. Both NMs weren't that difficult to camp, especially if you knew how to pick out the placeholder mobs, but the drop rates are absolute garbage.

So of course, EE drops first after 8 kills.

With the one earring, I took a more active approach to camping BB. I pretty much would leave my character logged in Sauromugue and would only leave for Salvage and to solo ENMs. On weekend days, I was getting 3-4 kills in per day and I got pretty good at claiming BB. I only lost a handful of claims even against people who would be camping with 3-4 people/2-boxed accounts.

After 20 kills, I stopped keeping track of my record and got to the point where I would be checking my inventory, mog house, storage, mog locker etc to make sure I didn't get the drop sometime in the past and just didn't realize it. Yea, it was that bad.

Well one Saturday, Merona came over to my apartment and we were about to go out. He asked me what the hell I was doing in Sauromugue, and I told him that an NM now pops here. I told him that we had to wait for 1 more BB pop. On the next PH, the NM spawns and I start to fight it. He said you're gonna get the drop, but I remained skeptical... I go for the killshot and..

I was floored. It was more of a relief at this point that I was finally done than actually being able to utilize the drop. I mean, the pair of earrings isn't really -that- good. And since I've been expanding my equip sets on RDM, inventory is becoming even more of an issue. The biggest upside to this is I was able to sell my enfeebling earring and make ~2mil, and no real loss to inventory since I swapped Moldavite and Enfeebling for Helenus and Cassandra.

With that out of the way, I've been able to get back to other menial tasks. With the coming June update and the raising of the level cap to 80, I wanted to finish my merits since everyone will be focused on levelling plus I assume the 75 camps will become obsolete at that point.

Finally, it's nice to see that someone has began updating Karasu's frontpage again. Keep it up, guys.
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