Jun 19, 2006 15:46

So, this is actually afniel, posting as xerion so you guys will all definitely see this shiz.

Here's the plan.

Dasher and Gage: you guys meet @ our apartment at 11am or as close to it as possible in Gage's case. We swap Gage's car for Thomas's, and we go. Whoosh zoom drive drive drive vroom vroom!

Edmond: Uh. What ARE you doing, exactly? We know you're picking up Ed and Paul but past that, no idea. Let us know what your plan is so we can meet up.

In Chicago: We're taking I-90 to I-55 and hitting up Chicago Avenue in the Oak Park neighborhood for Petersen's ice cream. This will be about $10 a person if you get only ice cream and a drink (trust us...it's worth $10). Parking's 25 cents a minute so come armed with quarters. You should bring a lot of change anyway, for the toll roads coming up into Chicago. Then it's off to Gino's East for dinner, which is at the Diversey and Lincoln Avenue intersection in Lincoln Park neighborhood (yes, the one Linkin Park's named after). Bring about another $10 each for that, maybe a bit more. The concert's at Logan Auditorium, parking will likely run about $20 if we can't find it free. Come armed with cash; if we don't need it, then you still have it. :D

I think that's all? Respond here so I know you saw this, or else I'm go calling around people's phones a bit later on today. Rawr.
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