HaMpToN BeaCh~> wOoP WoOp

Aug 15, 2004 11:59


Amanda Me and my parents went to hampton beach for 3 days till the 28th it was awesome we had so much funn..wen we got there it was kinda rainy out n muggy n we hadda wait an hour to get into your hotel so we jus ran down to the beach then we went back to the hotel and unpacked then we got ur bathingsuits on n played in the water lol haha ZACK "where do r u g uys staying?? hum see that shack over there? lol hahaa omg so funnyy he was stocking us..cuz hes like ohh maybe ill come by n say HI!! righttt ..lol then we buried eachorher in the sand lol n hadda mud fight member jus think it expoliates your skin lol.. then we went back to the hotel n got dressed n walked down to the boardwalk n got pina coladas n i bunch of candles n met alot of ppl down there lol...then we got Ben n Jerry's Cherry Garcia Ice cream so so so good :) then we broguth a lighter n sparklers n went down to the beach n set them off then chilled in the car n listned to music then went back to our hotel n fell sleep...

Then Tuesday(26th)
.... We woke up n it was rainy out so we went to kittery maine to Yummies its the biggest candy store ever... n amda got the survial kit lol with the gummy rat n gummy eyeball... lol Awesome n all the cadny cigarettes n CHOCOLATE BABIES! yummyyy ..then went to Old Orchard Beach n went on the rides amanda the skymaster n our dirty feet that everyone could see cuz we were in the front lol.. n the Moby dick ride this one kicks ass right lol nwe cant follow directions n the dude gave us the dirtyist look! lol then wen all the ppl were on the beach sk we went down there to see whats up n u thought their was a dead dolphin but it was really a dead seal awww. it was so sad then we went back to the hotel took a nap lol woke up n headed bakc down to the boardwalk where we got the PINK GUITARS!! hell yess.. lol then we walked along the beach at night n sang n danced n took pictures lol n we them 2 guys the one that looks like ROB lol n the russian kid with the chili fries.. n member i couldnt stop laughin n that lady was like her laugh is contigious lol hahaha soo funny that was soo much funn..

Wednesday we came home from Hampton n i slept all day.. then

Thursday i went up to maine with amanda n her to DAves House
omg it was like 6 miles into the mountains n like 1 mile from the nearest neighbors but it was kicked so much ass.. We swam all day n i got so burnt but it was worth it lol.. the ghosts lol n Sasha
N of course we ended up going to Walmart up there 2 times lol we went to liquid sunshine n there was a sidewalk going on so we went in to this hippie store n i broguht plaid pants their actually cute well i think so then we came back n we went to walamrt to go food shopping so they gave us like 60 dollars so we got wut we wanted n came back with noodles for the pool n a pool for sasha lol..Saturday morning we woke up n went into the pool omg it was freezin n me n sasha got attacked by like 50 bees so i jumped in the pool with my shoes on n my drink n my hand that was freaky.. then we took showers n we went back to walmart..n sunday we woke up n drove 6 hours back home but we stopped the Maine Mall n got these kewl star candles they kick ass.. but that was my vacation it was so much fucking fun...
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