Aug 08, 2004 21:25
HaPpY ThIRd MoNth ERiCo!! i love youu hunnii more than anything ur soo awesome killer...
Today was fun n funny u n matt dressin up in my pimp hats lol cuteness.. lol.... thanks erick for the gift ur fucking awesome American Wedding!!
SlayersXdisciple [11:11 PM]: Hey i was gonna write u a note in school but i'd figure this would be cuter. I could write pages about how much i love you an dhow thankful i am for havin u, but i twouldn't make anysense, but u know how i feel, and that no words can describe it. . But its really late and i don't want to have HUGE bags under my eyes for 2morrow.
I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD!!!!! Ill love you forever and always...
i posted it cuz its wicked cute i love so much