Relevant to ALL my interests

Jun 30, 2015 17:23

I'm always in flux when it comes to my interests. TV shows end, new ones come back. I watch a movie and need to see it again and again. I read a book, and the story continues long after I've read that final page. Here a few things clogging up my mind at the moment.

Movies (and books):

Vampires and a lovely actress )

television, movies

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xerinmichellex June 30 2015, 23:57:19 UTC
Hee! I read your review on candycorncomm of VA after I saw it the first time and agree with everything you put there. Although, I kinda just want a hot Russian for the sole purpose of kicking my ass into shape.

I read about a third of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell and kinda got bored?

Yeah, I know it's a tome. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it was 800-pages. It's one of those books, like Gone With the Wind, where I'd have to set aside a month for it, and not knock it out in a day or 2 like I do most books.

From what I've seen, people who've read the book are digging the mini-series; even though lots of it is being condensed and/or dropped completely.

Possibly because there's just less of him, and he has stuff to do when he's not bothering Victor?

That could be it. I think Victor has gotten creepier, too, regarding Lily. Yet, I don't mind them when they're with Vanessa. LOL Maybe that's her superpower, she makes creepy men less creepy and brings out their good sides. But it's amazing: within two episodes Caliban gets put into his place (Yay!) and then something horrible happens and I'm like :(((((( towards him. I hate myself for caring, but damn it, I am human.

DUDE! There's a revelation (of sorts) about Ethan in Ep. 9 that is going to make you squeal. I know I did when it happened.

Poldark is airing right now on PBS! It's their Masterpiece programming on Sundays right now. First two eps. are on On-Demand. FYI, the first is getting taken off on July 4th for Comcast; not sure about other providers. Maybe since you've dropped Hannibal, this could take its place. . . .? Otherwise, the DVD is coming out early July.


rhoda_rants July 1 2015, 03:08:13 UTC
Hot Russians are good for many occasions! *tips hat*

That's encouraging that book fans approve of Jonathan Strange, the show. There's no way they'd be able to get in everything in a mini-series.

DUDE! There's a revelation (of sorts) about Ethan in Ep. 9 that is going to make you squeal. I know I did when it happened.
Eeeeeee! Preemptive squealing, sorry, but I'm looking forward to Ethan and Vanessa side-trip to the Cut-Wife's cottage. I think that's the next one I have to watch. Not sure if I should be calling this yet, but OTP!!!

FYI, the first is getting taken off on July 4th for Comcast; not sure about other providers. Maybe since you've dropped Hannibal, this could take its place. . . .?
Well that's rubbish--that's pretty much the day I was planning on binge-watching half this stuff. I get the day off, so it's convenient. Eh, maybe I can grab just that one on July 3rd when I get home.

OH WAIT! I We get the 3rd off, too! Since it's a Friday this year! Okay!

And I haven't "dropped" Hannibal per se, it's just not holding my interest enough to watch it right now. I'm much more feeling Orphan Black and Penny Dreadful, so I'm devoting my binge-watching time to them.


xerinmichellex July 2 2015, 19:37:53 UTC
I just remembered that I was going to give you a heads up about last week's episode of Hannibal (Ep 4): Bella's storyline comes back and I remember we had a lengthy discussion about it and it is very realistic and honest, and I want you to prep yourself.


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