GOD DAMN IT, (FOX) Sleepy Hollow

Oct 25, 2014 14:04

Some updates:

1. Reason #Oh-I-Can't-Even-Keep-Track-Now why I shouldn't be allowed to engage in the "outside" world when I'm trying to write things: This week's Sleepy Hollow (the one with The Weeping Lady) sent my brain into a tizzy for a story idea that I've been waffling on. I'm scrambling now to get some research and plot things pinned down in time for NaNo. Yes, I'm gonna do NaNo. No, I don't expect to hit 50K in a month because there's a very loud part of me that KNOWS I cannot just throw things on a paper without a reason. My hope, though, is that the "frenzy" of NaNo and the basic "pushing yourself through the writing process" will help quiet that voice of self-doubt. My goal isn't the 50K or finishing a novel; rather it's to get back into the constant flow of writing every day and re-gaining some of my confidence.

The basic premise for the NaNo novel is a Hatfield/McCoy type rivalry between two families (that may have supernatural ties, I'm not sure at the moment) and the two youngest members of each family try untangling the centuries long feud and put an end to a curse affecting both families. It'll be part mystery, part ghost story, heavy on the gothic tones, and maybe have some witches thrown in. . .? Again: I haven't decided on a lot of things.

(Additional info: This was the shiny idea that caused me to look up lunar cycles back in July.)

2. I'm trying to finish up my Christmas Wish List because HOLY SHIT October's almost over and then it's Thanksgiving and THEN "the era of pumpkin will fall and the northern winds whisper peppermint everything" (source) AND THEN it's Christmas AND THEN IT'S 2015, and I've basically wasted another goddamn year of doing nothing and getting nothing done and BOOOOOOOOOOO!

3. I'm pretty. . .grumpy overall, and feeling exhausted for no reason (although I should probably try to go to bed earlier than I am), and over everyone's shit, and over being over everyone's shit because I, in turn, feel shitty because of how unproductive I'm being. Basically, I've been like this towards all things lately:

A couple upcoming posts (hopefully):

--I promise a Sleepy Hollow post (this one on Tim Burton's version) is on the horizon and I'd like to post it near-ish to Halloween because, fuck it, I've accepted it as my favorite movie ever for a ton of reasons.

--A fun* Halloween post

*Note: The word "fun" may only prove to be fun to the poster and not to the actual reader of the post.

--I guess since I'm doing NaNo, I'll be posting weekly updates on wordcounts (or lack thereof) and other nonsense. Woo.

nano, sleepy hollow, random

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