In honor of the Academy Awards tomorrow

Feb 23, 2013 13:00

How amazing is this poster celebrating the past Best Picture winners? I spent a good fifteen minutes playing "guess the movie" with myself. If I had more followers, I'd turn this into a meme. If anyone else wants to play along, leave your guesses in the comments/post to your own blog. (No cheating and going over to IMDB!) I've also italicized the ones I've seen.

1927-1928: Wings
1939: Gone With the Wind
1941: How Green Was My Valley [I only know this because it notoriously beat out Citizen Kane and The Maltese Falcon, and was considered the first BIG upset in Academy Award history.]
1943: Casablanca
1948: Hamlet [That Oscar holding the skull gives it away.]
1964: My Fair Lady
1965: The Sound of Music
1970: Patton
1972: The Godfather
1974: The Godfather, Part II
1977: Annie Hall
1981: Chariots of Fire
1982: Ghandi
1984: Amadeus
1989: Driving Miss Daisy [I've never seen it fully, even though we have it on VHS; but I remember seeing the scene where peas are spilled on the floor, and for some reason, that moment terrified me as a child and I've never seen the film since.]
1990: Dances With Wolves
1991: The Silence of the Lambs
1994: Forrest Gump
1995: Braveheart
1997: Titanic [I saw this in the theaters with my mom, aunt, grandmother, and brother (7 years old), and all I remember is when Rose's nude scene came on my mother dove across my aunt and grandmother to cover my brother's eyes, and him complaining that he couldn't see.]
1998: Shakespeare in Love [I remember watching this at 11 years old with my grandmother and her having palpitations during the whole thing because she thought I was too young to see it. In retrospect, I was.]
1999: American Beauty
2002: Chicago
2003: The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
2004: Million Dollar Baby
2005:: Crash
2006: The Departed [This is the only movie to make me an iota of feelings for Leonardo DiCaprio, so you can imagine my shock when that scene happens.]
2007: No Country for Old Men [Those are two and half hours I'll never see again.]
2008: Slumdog Millionaire
2009: The Hurt Locker
2010: The King's Speech
2011: The Artist

Okay, once I got to 2002 it was easier to remember which movies had won in recent years.

And as for 2012's Best Picture, I'm going to go with Argo because lord knows the Academy likes giving Oscars out to movies that celebrate movies.

memes, movies

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