...and say hello to 2012

Dec 31, 2011 11:14

New year, new resolutions. Here are mine:

1. Finish one manuscript. No shocker there considering my last post. I want to complete at least one. It can even be a first draft at this point, I don't care. I just want a finished product. Normally I also have "Get an agent" as a resolution; but this year, I simply want a manuscript that could lead to representation...whether that be this year, or next year, or some other year.

2. Read 12 novels that qualify for the 2012 Debut Authors Challenge. I went above and beyond my reading resolution last year (final book list to be posted next week), and since I want 2012 to be the year I refocus on my writing, I've resolved not to go "crazy" with reading. Along with 12 debut novels, I would also like to read Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind at some point this year since I've wanted to tackle this tome for years now.


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