Dec 16, 2007 15:02
I'm annoyed,pissed off to be more accurate. My computer is no longer working for more then 10 minutes..hopefully the lady will fix it tomorrow because I really need it for homework. Speaking of homework I'm going to be very mad if the teachers from peer turn around and say something has too many errors..I mean when they first did the check I asked for her to look over it and give me feedback..never heard a word from her..when the final version was due I turned it in and she tried to say I never turned in the rough draft..after jogging her memory she gave me 50 extra credit points..they are now going to check them and I hope that they don't throw it back at me..because with the lack of a computer I can't access half of my sources and I don't have the money to make 75 copies. Oh and we had our lines down for Unity,we did a convincing play but volume was the issue.
I'm also annoyed that our 'Peer Players Leader' doesn't show up for anything and hasn't helped us at all..yet has the nerve to try and say we did a horrible job..hes the one who quit and left us to perfect everything at a short time (thanks to everyone not showing up when we say its manitory)
A freshman had the nerve to say she had to do more work then me this week..the EB dinner is once a year and history day is really simple..and heres all I had to do last week (rehersals for the play,500 word essay,research syphilis,make a pamphlet,and fact sheet.WITH A OVERHEATING COMPUTER) also UNITY is back to back this yea I'm not happy and don't appreciate being called emo for my stress.
On a happyer note I have inspiration for a new short story..something I've never tried writing is getting much better thanks to the short stories text book I have.Luckily moms computer works,I showed her how to access aol (woot for knowing ways around the net)
Another annoying thing,girls keep bothering me whenever I'm trying to work on major assignments..flattered,yet I'm trying not to fail,leave me the fuck alone.stupid ass guilt trips..I don't need it..I don't want to deal with all the drama bullshit people are trying to do,wouldn't it be nice if everyone grew the hell up? I know college is going to be harder but hopefully by then I'll be ready for it. Watch out Mindy I'm going to get better at writing and your going to have some competition =PP just kidding sis,lets write one together.
Bye everyone hope you have a Merry Christmas!