Jun 23, 2010 11:31
I finally watched that movie a few days ago and I have to say I found myself thoroughly enjoying the movie. It was full of humor and of course our favorite sprinting zombies that are willing to sneak up on one going to the bathroom.
The movie followed this nerdy guy that is the nerdy loner type. In this movie when it shows him and hes narrating he says "I know, I don't look like the type of guy to survive a zombie invasion..At least I found a place to finally go number two".
As much as I like this movie I can't say any more due to spoiling the movie for other people that may happen to watch it. I don't know why but this zombie movie has stuck out to me as a really good movie. This movie did not have as great of a story as the one with these scientists that captured a zombie soldier and gave him a razor to see if he'd remember his past. (I forgot the name of it but I thought it was an awesome movie) But I give this movie a definite buy status.
Now that I've got that out of my system: HEY GUYS! I haven't posted on this site in a long time and I've been neglecting my writing. But before I can really write I must fill out all the applications I can and bug the employers XD. Writing more will be more realistic on this laptop I got for Graduation (I adore this thing.) While taking care of applications I must set things up for college so there are no surprises. I've done a good job so far but I must submit this underage waiver so I can register for my classes without delay so I can take care of business. But the other part is I'm not sure how much will be covered by financial aid and how much we'd still have to pay. I need to talk to them to see exactly what I must expect, I'm not great with math but they are. I'm very nervous about starting college and I'm unsure if I'd be able to balance both work and schooling correctly..it definitely will be an adjustment. Then again if I look back to my freshman year in high school I did badly just because I wasn't use to it but then I got serious about schooling and became pretty much an A student with an occasional B. Sign Language saved me a year of humanities so that was a good move to do, even though it was tough.
Now for my hopes in gaming: I'm looking forward to Silent Hill 8 because it looks promising. It is still in early stages of development but it appears that the new companies that took over that franchise understood that they made a great error in the last two games they made. Shattered Memories was a cluster and don't even get me started with Origins. Homecoming was decent but it took a lot from the previous games and made it more like the movie (at least thats what I heard as far as the movie goes) I enjoyed Homecoming because of a few elements that fascinated me but I just wish they didn't take so many favored parts in the old games just to do fan service. Pyramid Head should not of been in that game at all, that is something James cooked up in SH2. The nurses are in every game so that was okay. Sadly the music artist left after Shattered Memories to pursue other projects. He was the last member apart of Team Silent from the original team.
But the newest upcoming installment in Silent Hill is about this escaped Inmate that just so happened to run into our favorite little sadistic town. According to a few sources this game will again give the player the option to run or fight. There is of course a new story but they aren't ignoring the old games it seems. I will miss Team Silent but it will be interesting what Vatra will do. This game is to be announced as far as release date goes but scheduled to be released next year. Hopefully it will take longer to ensure quality.
z-land and rants