Background on my Campaign's Villain

Mar 21, 2008 10:22

The insanity of the character stems from an ill fated trip to Xendrik. During an exploration of a drow/giant ruin dungeon (the tomb and crucifixion site of the Yellow Dusk Giant Marrel), the party (cleric, ranger, rogue, artificer) was fairly well wiped out. The cleric was killed outright, the mage was crippled, and the ranger and rogue were both wounded. The party was left to starve to death in a deep, steep pit. As days passed and the rations ran out, the (future) killer's mind slowly began to unravel. When their magic user finally died, the ranger and the rogue decided that they must survive. They ate their dead companions. Upon eating the brain of the mage, the rogue gained the knowledge necessary to get himself out of the pit (see Absorb Mind in Book of Vile Darkness). He also realized that the ranger would never let him go. A standoff of sleeplessness commenced, each man knowing that as soon as he fell asleep, the other would kill and eat him. The rogue won through self-mutilation. He proceeded to kill and eat the sleeping ranger.

Using the knowledge he gained, he escaped the pit (along with the treasure the party had collected) and roamed the jungles of Xendrik for 2 years as a sadistic killer. He subsisted on human, drow, and sometimes giant corpses. He gained more and more knowledge of artificing through the exploration of the giant's cyclopean ruins. His weapon of choice was Marrel's Nail, an artifact runic dagger-sized nail he worships. I haven't really thought about its powers, but something nasty (+3 w/ pant wetting power) would be likely. He also wears the Hood of the Eater (+5 to hide and move silently, + bite attack 1d6, +10 bonus against scrying), a frightening hood-style mask he refers to as his "face" when he's killing.

He eventually left the jungles. He returned to civilization with a hunger. He hungered for revenge against his party's sponsors (or anyone affiliated with them). He hungered for the power and respect he was denied while growing up. Most notably he hungered for flesh. He returned to the party's home town of Duskvale. He has taken on the identity of the Ranger (Callan Far-sight) via Consume Likeness (BoVD) and brought considerable wealth with him at a time when the town needed it (due to rebuilding from the Last War). He now owns a "ranch" outside of town. Every now and again, he sates his hunger with a young girl from the town. Being on the border with Droaam, people blame monsters from there. But now something is wrong...

He can hear the Face and Nail talking to him while he sleeps... It wants more...Far more...

It calls out for the blood of women bearing children.

He now has a pseudo-anonymous charmed contract with a member of the local temple/house of healing.

"wHEN a wOMAN CoMEs to YOu wITh chILD, yOu wILL TEll ME" said the Face. The old halfling woman agreed.

But word is getting out. 6 murders in 2 months. The Eater has been sending letters to the Sharn Inquisitor. "Callan" is getting worried. He wants to leave. He wants to run. He knows he'll be found out soon, but the Face and Nail chide him for his weakness. "jUsT A fEW mORe PrEtties & iT wiLl aLL bE oVEr"


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