May 03, 2009 20:53
Today Spark came over with her fetus collection in tow so I could photograph the awesome little guys.
I got a few shots off, only one of them being semi decent, and my camera started dying.
Go figure.
I went to get the charger from the drawer that I always keep it in...
Guess what?
It wasn't fucking there.
I ripped the house apart looking.
Since Radio Shack closed at 7 on sunday, I can't go get another cord until tomorrow.
I can't even upload what I have because the charger and uploading cord are one in the same.
Oh well.
Another frustrating thing is that there is no spring semester for funeral service at Delgado.
That means I have to wait until next year.
That's right, another whole fucking year before I can say that I'm even trying to do something with my life.
The registration deadline is May 21st, but since it's an Allied Health program, you have to PRE-register...
Before April 30th.
No one told me that when I was asking about registration.
I feel like a fucking idiot.
On top of all of that, I have to go to the DMV tomorrow.
If you haven't already guessed, patience is a virtue that I do not possess.