The comic under the cut is the art I donated for
Farpoint 2010's Charity Strip Off featuring the convention's mascot, FARP. (Fully Automated Robotic Participant was designed by Todd F. Brugmans.) I and a few other artists made these blank strips that attendees can use to customize their own comics in exchange for a donation to one of the sponsored charities:
Julien Fleming Memorial Fund or
Vietnam Veterans of America. If you'd like to try your hand at coloring and filling in dialogue on this one for fun, feel free. Just be sure to comment here with the results because I wanna seeeee.
In creating the comic up there, I drew my first daleks. That ought to be a baby book: My First Dalek. See dalek. See dalek roll. Exterminate! Exterminate! Oh dear. Stairs.
In the comic for Far Point, the daleks didn't fit entirely in the panels. So I did something else so you could see them 'full body' as it were. This is it. Mostly I love the little flailing dalek. I want it as an animated gif.
Also, there is more snow than any sensible person could want. My four-foot fence is gone.