Keepin' Busy! GigaCon, Magfest, & Photos

Jan 07, 2010 00:33

Giga-Con Details!

This Friday & Saturday, January 8 & 9, from 10am to 5pm, Interrobang Studios will be attending a convention for artists, illustrators, game art designers, and 3D modelers hosted by the Art Institute of Washington.

There will be a mix of student and professional artist alley vendors (Interrobang Studios among them!), as well as hour long demos by each of the 13 awesome professional guests over the span of two days. Check the details link below the image for more info on those pros!

Also, if you're local to the Baltimore/DC area, check out the Baltimore Gamer site for information about nearby gaming events. Mike and Gabe were terribly awesome when we met them at MAGFest and their site has already helped us discover more local venues!

THANK YOU to the MAGFest Staff for your amazing efforts! The MAGFest folks went above and beyond the call of duty and we will return for MAGFest 2011 without hesitation!

The Music And Gaming Festival was 4 straight days -- 24/7 -- of larping, table-top, console, pc, and arcade gaming. The bands ruled the evening and the merchant's room carried everything from Tshirts to Lego/Pixel art.

It was so much fun, we didn't always remember the camera. (oops!)

Our obligatory booth photo! This time it's different, though. If you look in the middle of the table, we've got a netbook computer and a wacom tablet so people can demo the art game that Blake (our webtech & game programmer) developed and Kevin did illustrations for.

Blake WAS there, as was Barbie, but we didn't capture either of them on digital film. :/ NEXT TIME, you elusive helpers! NEXT TIME!

It was a good convention for perverts LOVE. Oh, but aren't they all?

Michelle and Jamie had come down from Massachusetts and split the table across from us. Michelle makes rockin' jewelery, while Jamie does amazing custom ball-joint dolls with fimo clay. They both draw beautifully and take commissions for animal and anthro art.

Contact either of them through their deviantart pages: <==Michelle <==Jamie

Here's the game demo and a dedicated young man named James. He stayed at our booth for a good half hour, PERFECTLY BEATING THE LEVEL. Can you tell which of those birds is computer generated and which he drew? I can't.

APPLAUSE, James. Applause.

These ladies remembered us from AnimeUSA! They loved the spinks even then and bought a big, peach one this time. He's in their basket eating their flowers. :D

When we got home, Yzma was super-lovey. Her three braincells took a vote and decided to miss us this time. Oh sweet kitty. I love you, but you eat dirt.

Look at her little face. She's all "DON'T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN, hnyar." Thankfully, this weekend's convention is close enough to home that we'll be back each night.

magfest, yzma, photography, interrobang studios, convention

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