Balitmore Comic Con 2009: Report!

Oct 13, 2009 17:58

Verdict: Success!

Jade is putting up her ink painting of Gaiman's "Dream" from Sandman. She's doing the full series: Dream, Death, Despair, Delirium, Destruction, Desire, & Destiny. The originals are already spoken for, but there will be prints and OMG are they amazing. You should go see them on her deviantart page.

Becky joined us for Sunday after sewing from scratch her 'InterroGirl' uniform. She's excited about making a bunch of these little numbers so that where ever we go, we can have a cigarette girl out front our booth. She handed out fliers for us and caused quite a stir. Thank you Becky!

Our friend from Brooklyn, Mike had the booth next door to us and stayed the weekend at our place. Next weekend, we're crashing on HIS sofa for Big Apple Comic Con. He donned Kevin's old Skeletor Costume for a crack at the Costume Contest's $1,000 cash prize. Our friend Camile walked away with a few gift certificates, but all Skeletor got was an armful of InterroGirl. He's smilin' though. ;)

I mean seriously. Check that grin.

Jade drew Zatana for James, also a friend from Brooklyn who came down with Mike to help at his table. He collects Zatana drawings.

He most heartily approved of her sketch.

He also commissioned me to draw one. Zatana as a Spink. Aad-aat!

Matt was the most awesome person I met at the con. He had his own 6 page mini-comic he was showing around. The humor was AMAZING. He's TEN. "I drink to your health and future!--which just shows how hard up I am for a drink." I've linked to his vlog b/c he specifically asked me to check it out and pass it along. Kevin did a sketch of his auto-biographical "Matt" character. Apparently the real Matt also wears ties to school b/c he's "Punk Chic"... he's 10 and he's spontaneously using phrases like 'punk chic' in conversation! I'm now subscribed to his vlog b/c this lil' punker cracks me the hell up.

"An Honest Man Does an Honest Day's Work--OR I DESTROY HIS VILLAGE!!" Vicious, Skeletor. Vicious.

Becky Photobombs Skeletor's assault on a naughty Kevin.

Mike was in that nylon hell-suit for 3 hours. And loved every moment of it.

Kevin did a Leonardo Art Card. That's pencil, pen, and marker. I can't begin to comprehend marker skills like that.

Into the Spinks portion of the photo-dump. Happy Spinks love Happy Book!

The combined might of Sally & Barbie's Crocheting Efforts. The full SABCE, if you will. Approximately 30 spinks in all manner of hue and texture.

Sally was gifted with novelty yarn and begat the Great Woolly Spinks of the North. We've sold the baby and the largest, but the others will go with us to New York. They are adorable and fun beyond words to play with. I am sure they will capture the <3 of NY.

The Spink Fleet confused Visas, but did not pose a direct threat, so she wandered among them.

The Spink Fleet creeped Yzma out, so she DIDN'T wander among them.

Finally, we have Berlioz's reaction to a floor flooded with little yarn thingies. Sleep in them. Of course, there are things you DO when given things to put on a cat. So we did them.

The photos don't cover half of it. We were visited by Blue, Barbie, Blake, Fred, John, Chief, and oodles of familiar faces from the store. We went on a quest for Chap's Pit Beef. We found enlightenment at the end of that same quest. We cursed a marathon and a whole stadium of Ravens fans. We paid 'event parking' prices. We attended an after-party. We encountered an entire neighborhood that stank of beer farts. There was networking, and talk of cats, and talk of comics, and bitching about Liefeld, and the purchase of a great book about webcomicking. And perhaps, most importantly, Evan Dorkin did NOT shoot Kevin in the stomach. Good times.

Also, things is gettin' crazy! We leave early on Friday for New York City, NY for the Wizard World Convention: Big Apple Comic Con. We're in booth #3069. (Artist Alley table #69). I will post another clever map before we go. When we return late Sunday or early Monday, we'll do a post-con dump and start throwing things into boxes.

We move on October 24th!

If I miss out on things happening online or in real life among friends, I apologize in advance! I'm not sure how well-connected I will be in the two weeks to come.

pictures, interrobang studios, convention, baltimore comic con, costume

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