Come sell your stuff with us.
What: Yard Sale
When: June 21, 8am til Noon
Where: The Sarah, Kevin, Sally Launch Pad & House of Delights.
Why: We've got too much stuff.
How this is relevant: We're inviting you to join us. Not just to buy shit, but to SELL YOUR OWN.
Bring your stuff! Set up your table! There's no ground-rent. No fees. It's already got an ad in the PennySaver and the Capital. You don't have to do anything but price your stuff and take people's money.
We have so much yard it's not even funny. We're on a main road. We have a misting tent. We have Cammie and Darth Maul life-size cut outs. We have permission from the landlord. We've already got a confirmation of Bowie, Angel, Sally, Kevin, & Sarah. Wanna join? Call me! (I know you local people have my cell number). Bring your stuff.
Set up would start at 7:15 AM. Bring your own tables, tarps, chairs, drinks, shade-implements, and lunch.
When we've finished for the afternoon, there's a GoodWill Superstore 5 blocks off. We'll do a mass-donation. You won't take ANYTHING you don't want home! :D
Also, stay tuned for further details about the July 4th TENT-STRAVAGANZA! True freedom is the freedom to pitch tents in your own damn yard. VIVA LA TENTS!