And Thus was my day. Sniffly Sniffly Snot Snot. A duel combination of sleeping on my floor and playing with dusty objects in the attic the day before led my sinuses into a private hell. My nose is so raw and swollen, i can't really feel it running anymore. Which just makes for a WORLD of embarrassing drip-centric situations at work, lemme tell ya.
BUT. I did not come to Lj to bitch about the leak in my face!
I wanted to post about the hilarity of the SOUNDTRACK generated yesterday. A number of immortal lines were uttered...
(Did we have a title for this album?)
10-20-07 Clean Up.
Track #1: Fat w/ Tiny Feets
Track #2: The 80's Ate My Face
Track #3: Headless Madonna
Track #4: No One's Gonna Hack My Dog
Track #5: Jesus Up My Butt
Track #6: Rotting Cat Corpse in a Fancy Box
Track #7: Tiny Ninja
Track #8: CandleSticks for Hippies
Track #9: Hot'N'Juicy Burger in My Pants
Track #10: C4--Rent or Lease
Track #11: Ex-Boyfriend Emergency Kit
Track #12: At Least it Was Ugly
Track #13: That Penguin Doesn't Mean Anything To Me.
None of these are quite as funny as they were when they were first said. Without exposition, I'm not convinced they engender appropriate levels of hilarity. But due to my BRAIN being MUGGED BY MUCUS, I'm unequal to the task of inserting proper wit in and around each of these delightful gems.
However, I was given to believe that there would be money offered to anyone willing to turn these into catchy tunes appropriate for humming or making little flash vids.