I should have posted sooner, no doubt. The fact that i did not is however, indicative of--and consistent with, the general trend of things.
You see... I been busy. And? I'm probably gonna stay busy for a while. And the idea of being AS busy as i have been in a continuing manner makes makes my blood run cold if i think about it too long. Hence, journal post!~
Here's an editable listing of COMMITMENTS, b/c the stupid "TO DO" list feature doesn't let me scratch things off.
in no particular order
1.The GYM! a commitment to myself! I was doing well over the summer, but i'm not sure when i'm supposed to do what and for how long once the semester starts.
2. Eating right! another commitment to myself! I went and made myself more aware of the things i'm eating and my body's improved status when i'm eating well. Now i notice when it's not right. And i CARE. Too bad it's not second nature yet. This is still an effort.
3. SCHOOL. I've got 2 heavy semesters standing between me and a 2 year business degree. Just 10 classes and my incomplete. This isn't even a financial burden... just a time/effort/focus one. I've got scholarships. (woo-hoO!) But school stress tends to make me a twitchy bunny. Ask Kevin. It gets both dumb AND ugly.
4. WORK. Just today, I interviewed another comic book store owner for that incomplete and for my business plan. I was injected with joie de vivre! This guy is all the reasons I wanted to get involved in comic book stores to begin with. I am renewed! And i am very aware that i haven't been as joyful or grateful or PLEASANT in the comic book store in a long time. My work ethic at the store during semesters suffers. That's fine--kinda... but understandable anyways. But during this SUMMER--with no classes in the way--I feel my work ethic hasn't recovered. That i've been cynical about my clientèle, and that--after spending a morning talking with this gentleman in his clean, crisp, store that focuses on customers? I need to quit turning the computer on when i show up at work. If i'm BORED? I should go find something to do that HELPS THE STORE. It's not like there's not stuff to be done. The idea both excites and distresses me. It's no secret that i'm an internet junkie.
5. KEVIN AND REAL LIFE FRIENDS AND FAMILY. They're not a commitment so much as 'sanity-locaters.' Thing is? Just like the clientèle at the store, I worry I could come to ignore them in favor of my hobbies.... which are all online. Kevin's okay--he gets my time and devotion. Nearby friends are fine--I can call them and we go do stuff at the drop of a hat. But my grandparents? They don't see me unless it's a holiday or I need something. They live less than 20 minutes away. Grandma had a recent brush with a burst appendix. She could be dead. Grandfather's not gettin' any younger, and i've got 500000000000000000 (lots) of life questions for him. He's got the best advice, and i don't like the idea that i'm not there for him. Then let's go the next step out... people who i love and care for who're outside of the city? Outside the state? I've not talked to Step-mother for a year. I've barely touched base with the folks in Massachusetts. I'm CONSTANTLY falling off the map with regard to my family out in California. That's just a giant ball of guilt there. I've not seen them for almost 10 years now... I mostly can't afford to. But there are things like telephones and email--that i just SUCK at.
6. ROLEPLAYING. It's not the commitment that school is... But it is a promise, and I am playing a major character. And one of my plots is in the offing.
7. ONLINE FRIENDS. I've made a mark on my calendar to be SURE that i don't skip out on my girl in a massively different time-zone. But even so, it's a helluva cut back from when i could just be online. I miss her and i miss cyn and my chats with SC and meko and hyrina and mei and terran and machi and voltron and...
8. MY WRITING. It's fanfiction. It matters to me and very few others. But damned if i'm gonna leave this earth with my stories untold. So saying, i should prolly make some progress. ;)
9. THE LIFE PLAN. okay. so Kevin, Sally and I wanna move to Vermont next summer. We want full-time jobs, bills we can afford, and roof over our heads. It's not just gonna happen, so i've been doing research left, right an' center to find out what we can afford where and for how much. It's a LOT of information and a TON of options and it can be pretty damn overwhelming. I wish one of us would just win the lottery or something. Then we could buy something simple and effective, move and live like NORMAL PEOPLE, rather than hunting and scraping. Though... the thing they dont' tell you? if you're not hunting and scraping? You're not normal people.
10. cleaning out my storage spaces, tending my bills, clearing up my medical costs, filing my paperwork, selling the extra stuff, getting a hair cut i like, reading up on the comics industry, doing the art i wanna do for people, getting Interrobang Studios to the right place, doing my laundry, finding out why my breaks make funny noises only 2 times a week and if that means they've got birds nesting in them or they really need fixing, talking to grandfather about all of the life plan stuff, doing the mending, checking my email, doing right by the online groups i've joined, getting some savings together, pushing Bogart back up into the top 15 and getting that screen shot, clipping my toenails, washing the downstairs bathroom, reading my National Geographic Magazines, keeping the cats from eating things that would hurt them, developing these decade-old canisters of film, helping folks with their lj stuff, 5 million stupid little things... I know that life is the stuff that happens while you're doing the stuff that has to get done... but i think I'm getting keyed up again.
LOTTO TICKET WINNERS PLEASE SEND $$. Even 20$ for my gas tank would be appreciated.