May 07, 2007 22:41
EXams rather.
wish me luck. my first is at 10:15am tomorrow... I'm pretty confident, but starting to panic over the SECOND ONE that's in the evening. help help help! i'm freezing up!
*falls over*
i'm not ready. Even if i'd had another WEEK i'd not be ready. I'm NOT READY!! *kicks and squawls.*
why haven't they figured out how to administer knowledge via INJECTION yet?
p.s.--dee, if you even ALMOST think of being guilty/apologetic--just consider this. I am unprepared now, but i'm also markedly MORE SANE than if i'd just tried to eat my books. So, thank you for that.
P.P.S. i'm gonna do the final chapter and make up the allowed 'cheat sheet' and then hit the hay. night all.