... God damn it, i'm never gonna take over Venezuela now.

Jan 22, 2007 16:17

Hey all! Well i just got out of the last of my "first day" of classes. i think i am going to keep all of them except astronomy. the whole online thing is just to much for me. Let me tell you of my classes!

Western Civ. I: well this class seems ok. we have a very young teacher. he was talking to us about himself and he mentioned he took 4 years of hyroglyphics in college and this hoebag was all snotty said "well if i brought in a cartough (have i mentioned i can't spell?) you could read it?" and he was all yeah. so then he made us go around the class and introduce ourselves. I hate that. anyway when it got to my part i was all i am majoring in history and sociology whatever whatever, and i was thinking of starting a paranormal group, and this same hoebag interupts me and says "oh you should go to Duddlytown" and im all "i've been there its boring" and she comes back all snotty "try camping out there on Halloween and tell me it is borring." and i came back with "well number one; it is illegal to be there in the first place, and second; there is NOTHING there! not even a crumbly stone wall, so i don't know WHERE you think you were." and she just gave me this little snotty-i-know-better-than-you-cause-i'm-all-new-agey-and-cool-and-you-are-not look. i was all whatever.

Lit and Comp. for the 3rd time: We have to read a nover; the kite runner. i think i can pass this semester! woo!

Theories of personality: Pretty cool i think. Jay is in my class, but i didn't talk to him... mostly cause i think he is a supersillious ass, but you know.

Wesrern Civ. II: cool teacher, he looks like junior at work. the tests are open book, and i know this girn in the class, so i fighure it will be fun.

well badebadebade that's all folks! will update more often now!
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