(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 15:04

i borrowed mike's gamecube last saturday and i'm trying to finish RE4 before i have to give the whole bundle back to him this saturday. IT'S FUCKIN HARD. and i'm playing on EASY.

plus the fact that some of these monsters make me jump out of my skin doesn't help.

though the fact that i have both a riot shotgun and a striker shotgun among my arsenal (not to mention a handgun that kills in 3 shots and has a clip size of 25), certainly helps.

gosh i love guns. and no, not cause i wanna go to a public place and unload, not cause i'm a hick who's married to his cousin(s), and not cause i have a small dick. (that would be difficult to prove too :P)
they're just cool.

YES, they can kill people, but so can a PENCIL. anything blunt, heavy, sharp, toxic, flammable, explosive, electrified, vast, shocking, or fear-inducing can kill someone.

The thing that most people fail to understand is that with all of these things, being responsible prevents unfortunate events.

now obviously it seems i just went off on a rant, and i did, but i'm going to make a post in the next couple of weeks to elaborate on the whole gun thing.

anyways, that's about it.
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