My project has come to a screeching halt. Less a train wreck than a roadblock, but it's kept my progress back all week. For you nay-sayers, it's not yet time to say, "I told you so!" as I hold out hope we can work out the problems. Eventually.
I came to the realization sometime early last week that the software integration guy I've been dealing with isn't fully aware that folks can make web servers with operating systems other than Windows. I know I've talked about PHP dozens of times to him, yet he never quite made the conceptual jump that I'm actually using this language on a non-Windows server. This is important because he is leaning heavily on Windows-supported technology that doesn't (as far as I know) work in Linux. We've tracked down a software house in Cali that "has a guy" with presumably the experience we need. Unfortunately, we haven't heard back from him yet.
All the code on my side (as far as I know) is done. I've been waiting for this and waiting for that, and in the meantime, I ended up finishing all the code before I had a chance to do my first comm test. Two days to get the network hardware all configured (thankfully, not my job anymore!). Two days to figure out that there probably isn't a SOAP-based authentication routine set up in the target system, which may explain why I can't seem to come up with the correct connection package. Fortunately, my client has me heavily front-loaded with system update tasks, so I've been keeping my hours up. Yay!
In the meantime, I've finally picked up a good XML/XSL reference that has a really good chapter on SOAP. I feel more confident that I've got my ducks in a row, and less like a moron for dragging this out. Especially since we've played 'Stump the Experts' and have seem to have won.