How To Piss Off Your Brother In Under A Mile

Sep 16, 2010 08:23

Title: How To Piss Off Your Brother In Under A Mile
Author: xephwrites
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 829
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of its characters. Just playing with toys that are not mine. I promise to return them (mostly) undamaged!
Spoilers: None
Summary: When you're not driving, car trips are boring. Dean finds a way to pass the time with his angel.
Warnings: boykissing, pissy!Sam, brotherly fighting
Notes: Written for my kissbingo square "time : long". Hee! I had way too much fun writing this one. And I wanted to post something ultra-fluffy and cute before I break out the angsty ones in this verse. And yes, I hate Coldplay with the fire of a thousand suns.

Being stuck in the passenger seat driving across the state was boring, Dean thought. Now he knew why Sam bitched so much.

Castiel caught Dean’s eyes in the rearview mirror and smiled.

Fuck this, Dean thought. He crawled over the seat and landed in the back.

“Thanks for kicking me, Dean,” Sam said, rubbing his shoulder.

“You’ve got another one,” Dean said as he settled himself next to Castiel.

“Hi,” Castiel said with a smile.

Dean cupped Castiel’s face and pulled him in for a kiss. It was soft and unhurried. Castiel smiled and kissed back.

“You kicked my shoulder so you could make out with your boyfriend?” Sam huffed. Dean smiled and deepened the kiss.

Dean’s tongue slipped out and traced the seam of Castiel’s lips. Castiel opened his mouth and drew Dean’s tongue in alongside his. Their tongues rolled together slowly, savoring the taste and sensation of each other.

Sam cleared his throat loudly. Dean laughed against Castiel’s mouth and deepened the kiss again. Castiel wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling him closer.

“What part of I don’t want to see this stuff did you two not get?” Sam grumbled.

Castiel reached down into the foot well and grabbed a book. He held the book up beside their joined faces and continued kissing Dean.

“Hardy fuckin’ har, guys,” Sam grumbled. Dean and Castiel laughed as they continued to kiss behind the book.

Sam flipped the rearview mirror up and hunched forward over the wheel. Castiel dropped the book.

They managed to make it a whole mile before Sam started complaining again.

“You couldn’t have waited till we stopped for the night?” Sam bitched. Dean grunted a “nuh uh” noise, not wanting to break the contact with his lover. Castiel leaned back against the door, pulling Dean onto him. Sam huffed and stomped on the accelerator.

Dean and Castiel got two more minutes of uninterrupted kissing.

“You two are worse than teenagers!” Sam moaned. “Do I have to turn the hose on you?” Dean smiled into the kiss and gave his brother the finger. Castiel laughed and carded his fingers through Dean’s short hair.

Sam turned on the radio and searched through the station. Coldplay burst through the speakers in the car. Dean and Castiel winced. Dean made a whining noise.

“Driver picks the music,” Sam said before starting to sing along. Dean and Castiel shared a shudder as they continued their kissing.

As they got closer to their destination, more whiney emo music poured through the car. Dean and Castiel managed to ignore it, and continue with their kissing.

Sam jerked the wheel of the Impala, sending it onto the gravel shoulder for a few seconds before swerving back onto the road.

Dean finally broke the kiss and smacked Sam on the back of the head.

“Stop driving her like a douche bag!” Dean growled.

“Stop making out with your boyfriend in the car!” Sam shouted back.

“It’s my car!”

“I’m driving!”

“There’s our exit,” Castiel pointed. Sam jerked the wheel again, screeching the tires as he turned down the road heading to the town of their next hunt. Dean smacked Sam on the back of the head again.

“You’re so never driving her again,” Dean said, climbing back over the seat and flopping down beside Sam.

“And that means no road nookie for you,” Sam shot back.

“The motel,” Castiel said from the backseat again, pointing at the long low building they were driving past. Sam cranked the wheel, spinning the car and roared into the driveway. He parked the car and Dean ripped the keys out of the ignition.

“Never again!” Dean growled, getting out of the car.

“Dean, grow up!” Sam shouted as he got out of the car. Castiel sighed and exited. The Winchesters were snarking at each other as they made their way to the office.

The three of them entered the office. Dean and Sam were elbowing each other. Castiel rolled his eyes and stepped around them to the desk.

“Evening, gentlemen,” the owner said as she flipped the book open.

“Two rooms please, kings if you have them,” Castiel said smiling at the woman. She made a small groan.

“Sorry, but all I have left is one with two queens. Can you make due with that?” She asked as she peered around Castiel to the bickering brothers.

“Yes,” Castiel sighed. “Please call us as soon as another one becomes available.” She filled out the book. Both brothers fought to hand over credit cards.

“Try and enjoy your night,” she said sympathetically as she handed Castiel the room keys. Castiel thanked her and ushered the brothers outside.

“I’ll sleep in the car,” Sam grumbled.

“You ain’t touching her unless I’m around,” Dean said.

“Not going to listen to you two all night.”

“You have an iPod, use it,” Dean said, opening the trunk.

Castiel looked up to the sky, asking for strength. It was going to be a long night.


Comments adored! ♥

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kissbingo, dean/castiel, schmoop, team free will, pg 13

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