Jun 02, 2004 19:10

Erm, yes, about 87 sounds right...

So, here's the extended blurb on my life in general. This last weekend was fantastic. As previously posted, Jen and I got married on 28May. It was a simple, lovely, perfect ceremony and happiness promptly ensued. Texas, as it was, sucked... but the company made it all worth while (of course)! Jen and I spent the majority of the weekend together, to much of both of our surprise and joy. In the little time I was there without her, I defended myself against the 102F heat, swimmingly wonderful humidity and other non-Michigan-type items. :o)

We saw Shrek 2 which was AWESOME! We also saw The Day After Tomorrow which was quite good as well. Alas, I am home now. Both my flight there and back had their issues... I made it to DTW a nice two hours late, but Sam had been caught in traffic, so it all worked out.

Now, here I sit, slowly unpacking, sorting through pictures from the weekend and typing this here lovely entry into my LJ. Laundry is a'washin', I am a'restin' and life is good.

Stay tuned for further updates when my whim permits.
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