May 17, 2007 18:57
Yeah what the heck, it's about time for another exciting Fuzzy diet update!
I'm down about 30.6 pounds so far from 248 to 217.4 in eight weeks - weight fell off quick the first two weeks, nothing the third week, and it's been a steady 2.5-3lb per week since then *yay me!* Only another 47.4lb to go! (which by my estimation, assuming 2lb/wk will be right before my birthday... happy birthday me! (though the trip to France is right in the middle of that so I'll have to watch myself - go go Gadget carb blockers!!)
About 170KM on the trusty running shoes, still don't particularly /like/ running, but I feel good afterwards, and I'm improving. I don't really push it yet, but I brought in my 5K at 30 minutes 25 seconds today, which isn't too shabby considering I am definitively NOT built for running! (and I walk the first 500m or so to warm up teh leggies)
Still haven't really found it especially hard to resist things I previously considered yummy such as beer and sweet, delicious bread. Haven't had anything to drink except for a shot of sweet, refreshing Effen last weekend... probably will have a few drinks this weekend though, holiday and all >:) We'll see if I'm 260lbs by Tuesday *chuckles*
Aside from all that diety goodness, all is well in the world of Fuzzy! Will be making the switch back to shift work soon, which will cost me half my weekends, but will provide more flexible time off, more money and more variety in my work >:)
Car still fills me with glee, though of course I want to buy toys for it but I have to spend money on other things right now... last of debt, AC, France, other stuff... somebody give me a giant bag of money please >:)
I am now distracted and must go kill time in some other fashion, thanks for visiting Fuzzy land briefly >:)