Ou, That's Right. Nero's Writing Journal is friends only. Some Requirements must be met:
- We've Got to have at least three things in common.
- You've got to have a love for original characters. Not sues, characters. T_T I put my damn effort into working on their back stories. And made the attempt to make them human...even if they have tiny sue-ish tendecies.
- Don't add me just to make your friends list bigger.
- at least respect the fact that I luffs SetoxJounouchi, and dislike the majority of the heterosexual Seto pairings because of rabid fangirls, so don't be so surprised if I bash your favorite leading YGO lady by accident. And half the time, I actually like them, just not when they're paired with Seto. Half of them don't fit. I don't give a damn how much you think they belong together half the time. If we're able to talk like civilized people and not have a pairing war, I'll gladly respect the fact that you like Seto/Kisara, Seto/Shizuka, Seto/*insert YGO girl* here.
- If you wanna affiliate writing journals with me, it's all good.