Nov 28, 2005 20:06
AAAAA, I didn't get to see you today Trisha ;_; I had a class lunch thingy that I had forgotten about, but you had class all day anyways.....Well have to do something for your birthday, when you have a day off ^^...I didn't get to see automail geek today either....Anyways, I just thought I would paste some interesting conversation that Iv'e had recently, because lately on 'gaia' I keep having all these brats trying to start a fight with's really quite amusing actually.....Also....I WANT A BOYFRIEND....;_; ;_; ;_; I dont want to still be a vriging when I turn 30! >_<
Sesshomarusmalelover Wrote:
Gravitation is not yaoi. it is Shouen-Ai. Yaoi is hardcore gay sex. get it right.
I wrote: Actually, the artist of gravitation did hardcore versions or subplots of gravitation(I got this information from Trisha yay!)....And while yaoi emphasizes sex more than emotion, the general term yaoi is used in Japan to encompass such anime as the titles Iv'e listed above. Shounen-Ai, is also used, but unless your a fan of this genre, the distinction between 'yaoi' and 'shounen-ai' is not always made or clear cut. Yaoi has become a term to ecompass more than its literal translation, it is an evolving term, because language changes over time...And keep in mind a word is just a word, a tool to create an image or an obviously knew what I meant when I used the term 'yaoi' so therefore, it obviously has more than one meaning....Just like in older times 'fag' used to mean cigarette, then became a deragatory word.
By the way Sesshoumaru...I live in Japan, and my major is japanese, thus I have more of a grasp than just the 'literal' translations of certain words, so before you randomly go mouthing off to a complete stranger, maybe YOU should think before you go telling someone that their wrong dear . I'm sure if you wanted to debate the issue further, that you could put up a decent argument because shounen ai literally means 'boy love', and while your not wrong in your reading of both shounen-ai and yaoi, you are obviously trying to entice me to fight with you, I won't say anymore on the issue. Plus you don't really know me so I find your taunt quite amusing.
Anyways, moving on past the childish comments, my question still stands, what is your favorite yaoi, or if you want to be more politically correct 'shounen-ai' or both...If anyone else would like to make snide comments, feel free I will be more than happy to oblige your childlike behavior, and show you how nonsensical you are
I also had a fun random 'cereal fight' in a forum with automailfreak, one of my friends! It's SOOO damn funny! Shes great! It all started when I was complaining that my host mom is a clean freak....
Oh *puts hand wistfully to my head in a dainty gesture* if only rice krispies were so easily come by here....but, don't worry, I do enjoy poking some fun at my host mother once in a while.... You know me....*poke has no effect* this is where it started....she had *poked me* by the way...
Damn! you're not ticklish! Hmmm...I really would like to send you a box of Rice Krispies as an inside joke now.
I've learned how to control my laughter when being tickled....I am very ticklish, but my willpower has grown since I was younger... *takes some imaginary rice krispies and tosses some at you! Rice krispy fight!*
You're on, punk!!!!!!
*Takes several handfuls and flings them at you with all her might*
*ducks low and eats half of them, some go in my hair...and the rest I deflect with a scarf at my neck back at you!* mwhahahahahah! Takes a secret weapon out......
O__O; *eyes your secret weapon, wondering what it is......* By Jove.....
my secret weapon is.....FROOT LOOPS! froot loop attack! throws some at you....
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! YOU FOLLOWED YOUR NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Huff* All right then...I have no choice but to bring out the big guns.................
*AAAAAAAA cover ears, at the howl of cookie crisp, nothing but that! Can't stand loud noises! @_@ Good thing my froot loop attack wasn't normal.....froot loops whiz around back at auto like boomerangs due to their circular shape! HA my plan worked!
*dodges Froot Loop boomerangs in fear that one of them will skim her head and give her a mowhawk* u__u; Eeeeeep! *Hides behind strategically placed sofa and gathers up emergency stash of Frosted Mini-Wheats from her socks* Ooooh and they smell so lovely too from my foot germs..... *throws them like hand grenades*
*Is warily waiting to see what Auto does from behind the couch....All of a sudden sees the smelly frosted mini-wheats coming my way, eyes open in surprise they explode in front of me, and I dissapear in a haze of smelly frosted sugar.....*
O.O *blinku* Where'd you go? Alas, poor Yorek! I've driven him away with my foot stench! Oh, the horror! The horror!!!!!!!
*Is looming behind you with a crazed look in my eye as you worry as to where I have gone, you smell the stinky frosted sugar as I'm behind you..... That was dangerous, I say as my eyes gleam! Now for another specialty! I take out cocoa puffs and pour them on your head in a chocolatey river! mwhahahahah eat chocolate!*
*Nearly drowns in the chocolatey river, twitching. Has to take extreme action---swallows a huge air pocket and burps up the Lucky Charms she ate this morning in your direction* HA! Nothing like regurgitated Leprechaun cereal!
Had the same thing in mind....The two regurgitated lucky charms clash and explode BOOOOOOM creating a huge stinky rainbow! Both you and I are lying motionless on the floor! @_@
*Waves white flag in the air, paralyzed from the re-processed Lucky charms. @______________@; *feels sick*
No matter how many times I read that it cracks me up...maybe I'm just weird....