
Oct 15, 2007 16:30

1. A random guy/girl comes up to you and says "aybaybay." you say:

2. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
My pen

3. What does your last incoming text message say?
"love ya"

4. The last song you listened to?
Can't remember

5. Whats irritating you at this moment?
Nothing is irratating me

6. What did you do yesterday?
Relax: eat, sleep, watch tv

8. Pick a scar on your body, how'd you get it?

9. What are you doing today?
Working, then meeting and dinner party

10. What do you want to do when you get out of high school/college?
I'm out of school and I am doing exactly what i always wanted to do. CPA

11. How old is your mom?

12. Are you signed onto AIM?
yes, always online thru my cellphone

14. Who's your most religious friend?
Don't know any of those weirdos

16. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
I like my name just fine

17. What's the best compliment someone could give you?
That i had nice legs

18. What do you hate most about your school?
Don't go to school

19. How often do you curse?
Every damn day

20. Last time you took a plane, where was to?
End of September to Panama

21. How many times a day do you log into myspace?
Fuck myspace

22. Last profile you went into?
My own

23. What's the first thing you would do with five million bucks?
Stick it in the bank

24. What did your last outgoing text message say?

27. Next thing you'll spend money on?

28. What's one toy you remember having in the 90's?

29. If you had a son what would you name him?
Don't know yet

30. A girl?

31. Look through the 2 nearest windows what do you see?
Ocean and charter boats

32. What's your mouse pad look like?
It's black

33. Who's someone you drifted from?
Sophia =/

34. Which of your friends do you argue with the most?

35. What's your dream job?
Working my dream job

37. If you could have any car what would it be?
Spaceship...but obviously that's not a car but whatever...

38. What's your favorite breakfast food?
Steak and egg sandwich

39. How do you like your eggs?
Cooked.. Scrambled

40. If you could get any piercing what would it be?
I have enough piercings

41. How about a tattoo?
I have enough ink for now

42 .What is your mood?

43. What's a movie you want to see in the theater?
Don't go to the theater much

44. Where else would you want to live?
Thailand or Venezuela

45. what's the last four numbers of your home phone number?
I don't have a home phone

46. What did you do today?
Run, Work... Still at work..

47. Where will your next car ride be to?

48. If you could be in any TV show what would it be?
Fuck if i know...I don't watch tv

49. What video game do you play most often?
I don't play that shit

50. What are you wearing right now?
Navy suit
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