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Jan 04, 2005 22:28

Some things I wrote in this journal over a year ago that everyone might like to read:

old stuff>

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise, it moves us along. My heart is full and my doors always open. You come anytime you want."

-> This is from a song by Maroon 5 that I fell in love with. It's called She Will Be Loved.

This sums up any relationship you'll ever have to face in life.. I'ts not always all perfect with happiness and an abundance of smiles, things have to be worked for. You're always going to get just as much as you put in; because thats the way it works.... And the only real way to make things work out for the best is to have an open heart, an open mind and accept things as they come.


Everyone in this world is an individual and must make their own choices and decisions. We may percieve these choiced and decisions as the wrong ones but they are not ours to make. Unfortunately, it seems as though in some situations people greatly influence others and that shouldn't be happening because not only does it deprive themselves and others of wonderful aspects of their lives, it's also detrimental to the relationship between the people that it affects because it doesnt establish them as equals. And relationships rely on the equality that clear communication brings about.

Many people i know have trouble keeping their friendships because of situations that arise where one does something that hurts the other. I think before deciding to end said friendship, you need to look at that friendship and see whether this situation is big enough to ruin something that might be important to you. Nevertheless, this individual may have taken away something you cared about and what kind of real friend would intentionally do that? You have to ask yourself a few questions and then maybe ask the other person some too. Did they do this with the intention of hurting you or anyone else or did they do it simply because they felt threatened? Did they do this to separate different aspects of his or her life or was it done to ruin aspects of yours or someone elses? You have to look at things from all angles before deciding anything else. In this type of position I too would have a tough time being friends with someone who hurt me and might have taken away something I cared deeply about. But, whatever happens in situations like this, you must always remember that everything in life causes pain, its simply up to us how we decide to deal with it and whether or not we accept it in the long run.

Another thing ive noticed is that most people tend to associate their childhoods with innocence and wonderful things. I know I dont. People with tough childhoods grow up differently. Every person grows up differently really when you think about it becuase everyone is unique. But after going through hardships you're given two characters to choose from: either you become bitter and withdrawn because of what you've been through or you become a stronger and more open person because you've learnt from the pain you've been dealt. through it all though everyones childhood is different just like every stage of your life you experience is different too; the people and situations you encounter are yours and yours alone. thats what shapes us into the people we eventually become.


Beauty, like love and friendship, are not things you consciously look for. They are simply things that show up in your life and you have to appreciate them. You can find beauty in the oddest places - in an unsuspected touch, a momentary glance from someone, a simple action or thought. Beauty is everywhere and in everything, it's just the little things that bring it out for all to see. In the book The Unbearable Lightness of Being, they discuss something about "beauty by mistake". One of the main characters describes New York that way. In all that darkness and cramped space there is beauty; it is two worlds collided - technology and tradition. This same character paints and she creates that theme in her paintings as well - the colission of two worlds and beauty by mistake. This further proves that beauty can be found in anything when you least expect it.


At one point or another, someone will hear the words “I wish I could live forever.” These words are the most senseless you could ever hear. Immortality is a concept that strips humanity of the right to dream. If we were all to live forever there would be no nagging in the back of our brains to accomplish as much as we can in the shortest amount of time possible; there would be no little voice pushing us when we encounter the problems of everyday life. We would become passive little people that think, “There will forever be a tomorrow to make something of myself so why bother trying now?” Death humanizes us all - it gives us the capability to feel, think and dream; it gives us a sense of time. Death is a way of life; it is an ending to a story to which you hope and pray you have done justice.

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