This morning, the rankings for「いつか」came out!!! I held by breath as the page loaded...
And「いつか」debuts as...!
29 SEPTEMBER 2011 UPDATE:「いつか」is now NUMBER ONE!!!
Oricon Daily Rankings
Debut (2011.09.28): #2
Day 2 (2011.09.29): #1
Day 3 (2011.09.30): #1
Day 4 (2011.10.01): #2
Day 5 (2011.10.02): #2
Day 6 (2011.10.03): #3
Day 7 (2011.10.04): #5
05 OCTOBER 2011 UPDATE: The weekly ranking for「いつか」was released today! It debuts predictably as number two!
Oricon Weekly Ranking
Debut (2011.09.28 ~ 2011.10.05): #2
This post will be edited daily to reflect the Oricon daily rankings and later on, the weekly rankings of the single. Anything lower than 10 will not be documented.
EDIT: Updating of the Oricon rankings for「いつか」is now complete. おめでとう、シド!!!