Jul 30, 2011 00:02
So the day before yesterday, I, for some random reason, decided to visit the website of the ACGHK (Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong). It's Hong Kong's twice yearly convention for anime, manga, and games and I went last year; it was quite amazing but so packed that you could hardly breathe. It was impossible to walk on your own in some places.
Every year, they hold it at the end of July to the beginning of August (five days, this time it's July 29th ~ August 2nd) and then once more in October. I decided to go and look at the guest list and it took quite some time to navigate myself to the proper link because I couldn't read the Chinese. Trial and error.
Down the list of artists I went, recognizing no one until I saw some familiar faces.
It was ViViD.
I had no idea they'd be performing in Hong Kong; I only knew that they were going to Singapore as of recently.
The ACGHK website didn't state anything about when ViViD's performance was so I went to check their OHP. And they are performing on August 2nd.
This wouldn't have been that great of a deal for me except I AM GOING TO HONG KONG NEXT WEEK AND MY FLIGHT IS ON AUGUST 3RD.
So of course I'm not able to make it, not able to see them perform live.
First I've missed FLOW and Yuya Matsushita at Fanime; now I've missed ViViD in Hong Kong! I'm not even going to Hong Kong specifically to see them (found out about their performance after the plane tickets were purchased) but the times just had to be that close. And sadly, there's no way for me to get there earlier to make the performance.
I really want to see ViViD live! Like SID, they're a band whose lives are their core and who put their everything into them. The first time I saw footage of their last indies live at C.C.Lemon Hall in Shibuya, I was blown away by how much energy they had. They really know how to work up a crowd. And now here's a chance for me to see them...so close! but yet so out of reach.
Life's really been teasing me this year, hasn't it? Letting me think that I can get to see what I want to see and then taking it away at the last minute.
But what can you do? Nothing. Except RAGERAGERAGERAGERAGE.
With that, it's the end of this rant.