Dec 07, 2009 09:51
Well, obviously, the whole "Travelogues" concept didn't work out. I'm fickle that way.
Anyhoo, I guess it's safe to say that I'm going to be sticking to one-shot entries from now on. I'm going to try and attack this writing thing slowly but surely. O_O *Sigh* I'm feeling terribly inadequate right now.
Moving on.
Yesterday, December 6, was the 20th anniversary of my parents and the 50th anniversary of my grandparents. As a usual perk of being in my family, they were entitled to a presentation...even if most of us only started preparing the day before. Or the day itself. Or, like me, during the dinner before. :D
Anyway, given my recent training in the concentrations of poetry and french, I wrote one long English poem and a couple of short french ones. The latter I will not post because french-speakers of the Blagosphere will come over and probably slaughter me.
I do not want that. Please. o_o
Anyway, here's the English poem (in its first-draft-form):
Love is art.
But art has many parts
Lust might be a heart tattoo
or spiraled spikes across
one's back--
It's beautiful
at first
But without care, it's rare
that it will be beautiful
much longer
without commitment
Would most likely be a room
With walls lined with paints
and brushes
and pencils
and palettes
But no canvas or papers to
make art on.
Commitment without intimacy
would be a blank canvas
on the wall.
Nothing but a frame to mark
the beginning
and the end
of it all.
But put it all together:
The spontaneity of Lust
The variety of intimacy
and the finality of commitment
And one is left with
a masterpiece:
a Van Gogh, a Da Vinci
a Monet, a Dali
A painting so wonderful
Its memory
Transcends the shortness of life
and remains for eternity.
(Insert lame 'Happy Anniversary' greeting here)
Personally, if a creative writing major critiqued that, I would be slaughtered by my lapses in meter and alliteration. But normal people seemed to like it. Hehe.
poetry series