Reb Zalman Shabbaton / Rosh Tipheret Blog

Mar 27, 2011 19:49

I've started a new blog / e-Journal for Judaica related postings. The latest posting is drawn from my participation in a Shabbaton in Ashland, Oregon a couple of weeks ago. The event featured Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi of the ALEPH Alliance for Jewish Renewal, and is the movement's founder. Ashland is also blessed with a Kabbalistic Garden, in the shape of the Tree of Life and featuring plants appropriate to each sephira in the design. You can check it all out here:

There's audio recordings of Reb Zalman speaking at the Shabbaton and a video/slide-show of the garden, neighbouring outdoor hot springs mikvah, and Havurah Shir Hadash.
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