You wrote to me: "... it is more important to me currently to catch up my current support to Gabi ..."! You hit the nail on the head. That should be your top priority. If you catch up on your current child support, it would be what your children need. And if that happened, I would not say another word to you about the debt owed to us.
Whether that will happen? ... well, I have my doubts. I remember my previous experiences. I know what a chore it is getting you to pay child support. You have justified (in your own mind, at least) not paying us for 18 months. You justify it by saying that you will pay it next month, or the month after, or when you get "a influx financially in a few weeks." (But that "influx" just never seems to "flux in," does it?)
Instead of payments, you make promises. But the payment doesn't follow the promise. What you fail to grasp is that most debts should be paid when the service is rendered, or soon thereafter. Unless you learn that fact, and act upon it, you will start justifying your current lack of support as well.
That's my opinion.
Now - if you go out and get busy, get two or three jobs (that pay money now, not "in a few weeks"), tighten your budget and catch up on your past-due child support payments, then you will do something that I would readily admit:
Prove me wrong.