As far as that goes, today was awesome, the possible exception being this morning. I drove around to look at jobs, which is getting increasingly annoying. I waited for twenty minutes at Jack in the box before being told that they didn't even have applications, and that I should come back tomorrow. Furthermore, this is the second time that's happened to me at this place.
Afterwards I got to see KC, which I enjoyed. We watched "Glorious", which is Eddie Izzard comedy action. It was better than "Unrepeatable", but not that great. I can see why "Dress to Kill" is the only one that got picked up by HBO. I think I'll take "Circle" off my netflix queue, then. We'll watch Garden State soon, and that will be fun.
Later, I went to Charlie's to watch Freaks. It was good, but only me and Charlie realized it at first. Nate and Ilia were complaining it was boring for a while. But when we got to the end, NO ONE could dispute the coolitude. Mainly, this came from
Prince Randian, who was pretty much the coolest guy ever. Some of you may be interested to know that he had
five children, among other awesome exploits.
Then we went for a little drive. It was mostly uneventful. We looked for Eva Platinum 4, but it was late, and most stores were closed already. We looked at manga in Borders for a while. Then we went to McDonald's because we were talking about how unhealthy the food is. I ate a Big Mac. Then we went to a parking structure Nate knew about, and drove to the top. I'm told we should have stayed a while, and looked at the view, and that I failed for driving right back down again. An adventure for another day, then.
Now for Blame-reading action. Hot-dog!