but not by much.
8351 / 50000 words. 17% done!
Because I'm way ahead of my planned word count, I allowed myself a little research time. One of the annoyingly difficult part of writing is describing the characters' routes through the city or the feel of the neighbourhoods. Google Maps might tell me how to get from Marie's 1 beedroom apartment in Brooklyn to the MacTac precinct just inside the south border of Harlem but if NYC residents are similar to Vancouver ones, they don't usually call the streets by their official names. So there's a lot of searching through Ask.com & the like for the wording the natives use.
Mundane settings are another difficulty. The classic mental image of New York apartments aren't true for all residences. I tried to look for images of "normal" buildings in Brooklyn, the kind a cop would be able to afford. Not actually easy. I may have to visit New York for research purposes.
Alas. ;)