I was going to post a meme from
lithiumlaughter and
scribble_myname but Percy's entry
kind of exploded into awesome. Anything that happens here might be an anticlimactic.
I'm editing another Avengers movie!verse fic which I thought was about Darcy & Clint but is actually about Coulson in the end. Funny how that works. I also finished editing Rasputin so expect that in a few
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2) Honey, Bring Your Guns
3) Burn the City Down
a) Avengers (movieverse)
b) X-Men (any 'verse)
c) D'Ancanto 'verse
The war didn't end when Steve died left and Peggy had a war to win. She was with the Howling Commandos when they broke into Soldau, releasing prisoners in conditions too horrific to process. One of the larger cells held a young man, better fed but with a dead look in his eye. As soon as Peggy hauled him up, the deadness left his eyes and turned into anger. She'd never seen such anger, only felt it. That was the anger her heart felt the day after the mission to the Alps: twin fires of loss and hatred ( ... )
Too cool for words.
Also, I really liked the bleakness and determination that comes through in Erik's few words here.
And if they encouraged Erik's determination to use his powers to join the SSR, well, they're just being good surrogate uncles & aunts (Lorraine thinks he's a darling!) encouraging a strapping young lad to be all he can be, right?
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