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2. Go to line 7
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RASPUTIN[I was afraid this was going to spoiler RASPUTIN but fortunately, this is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma or something equally poetic]
"I'll have you know I'm an expert shopper even though I don't indulge as often as I'd like so I know how much that coat and those shoes cost. You could buy two girls around here with those shoes. One for each foot."
"I spent the rest of the budget on it." Pete waited for a beat before adding, "I'm just kidding. Storm gave me some money with instructions to blend in better."
"It worked a bit. The men only suck up to the highest rollers. Not quite sure if you should blend in or fade into the background though."
Pete made a face. "Marie, I'm six-foot-seven. I'm not going to fade into the background. I thought I'd best ingratiate myself with the staff. That way, if I'm poking around, I have an excuse."
"There's an awful lot of us in hiding around here. I just hope you're getting something from the bug in the basement. That bookshelf was as far as I could go."
"They don't actually spend as much time there as we hoped and the sound is a little muffled sometimes but it's all right."
Marie flopped back on the bed. "I'm going to try to go back to the boss' house then. Plant more bugs. Maybe get some more information out of him. I don't think he knows anything about who's behind the murders but if any of his lackeys do, I want to catch it."
Author's note to the beta: ZOMG, Percy, this is a long frakkin' fic! I'd forgotten. I'm so afraid to edit it now.