Aug 07, 2007 11:39
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1) When I see that I have 2-4 bites left to a meal, I separate each component of the meal so that each bite has an equal amount of each. For example, in a full turkey dinner, the last mouthfuls must have equal amounts of mashed potato (with equal dollops of gravy), turkey and cranberry sauce plus an equal number of peas, carrots and corn kernels on the side of each little pile. Yes, I do count the number of peas, carrots, corn kernels, etc.
2) I eat pizza slices by taking half a bit of the point along with half a bit of the crust because the point has the most topping with the least bread whereas the crust has the most bread but the least crust. It has to be even. (Are we seeing a pattern yet?)
3) I take honey with my coffee because Gambit takes his coffee that way according to "Blind Sight" by Valerie Jones; shut up, I was 15 and now I can't stop.
4) When I can't get to sleep at night, I make up a dramatic story in my head where one of the characters will eventually be near death. I... have no idea why that puts me to sleep.
5) When I'm PMSing, aforementioned character will actually die. Usually, the character was much maligned and his/her significant other, who believed all those LIES, is driven to wild emotional outbursts at the death. Again, I have no idea why those make me feel better.
6) I hate driving. I understand that I have to do it especially with the line of work that I intend to pursue and that it's faster than public transit, blahblahcakes but I hate it. HATE it. With the fire of a thousand suns. HATE.
7) I was rather pigeon-toed as a child and still walk with my left foot turned in when I'm tired or in a hurry. All my shoes wear out on the inside curve first (over-pronation); the tips of my right shoes often have scruff marks.