Okay, I lied in the other post

Apr 22, 2007 08:54

I typed "post" as "poast" several times in the subject line before I figured out what I was doing wrong. *facepalm* I need coffee. Or possibly toast.

Things to finish by end of April/beginning of May
1) silvermarvels fic: The X-Men as the characters for And Then There Were None.
2) Elemental - Part IV
3) My snippet for lady_sarai and my Crossover of Cute and Glee.

Things to finish by end of May
1) Elemental - Part IV
2) The Phoenix Legacy
3) Plot for original novel

Ongoingfor the summer
1) Crossover of Cute and Glee
2) Original Novel

Stories that will be written one day please god or else the voice will NEVER stop talking, make them STOp OhGoD PlEaSe StOp!!
*cough* ahem.
1) Viktor Krum fic to tie in with fyreworks' Cho & Chinese Magic fic (which will be finished one day, RIGHT, RAE?)
2) Post-X3 Rogue fic: Sort of sequel to Because Thorns Have Roses or at least takes place in the same universe

In other news, I have a pretty LJ header.

meta: writing, meta: fanfics, lists

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