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redcirce March 19 2007, 06:42:44 UTC
*waves* So I skipped this the first few times it came up on one of the groups I'm on (ragin_remy, I think), because well, Scott is boring, right? And Alex? All I remember about Alex is that he was Maddie's Pryor's consort during Inferno... That being said, I'm extremely glad I ignored those ridiculous misgivings and actually started reading.
This is a really interesting, well thought out AU. I love how you balance the main and sub plots. (and all the family dysfunction!) Scott is far from boring, and in fact provides a good sane, balanced center as compared to his wacky siblings. His musings on Jean are really touching, (Will she return in this series, I wonder?) and I'm enjoying his relationship with Warren. Adam is by far one of the most endearing OCs I've ever come across- loved his bratty younger self, self effacing humor in dangerous situations and his relationship with Gavin. I haven't gotten quite so much of a sense of Alex yet, but I am wondering if you're planning on leaving him a flatscan or having his powers emerge only on the brink of death. (which is what happened to him in the comics, isn't it?) Lorna's cute too, though again wondering if she's mutant. (with her though, it seems less likely) Your Remy is the perfect combination of sleaze and charm, and I'm really digging the mentoring/friendship he's got going on with Rogue. Though the shipper in me is rooting for more, (if their scene in this chapter was any cuter, it would kill dozens of people by virtue of cuteness alone) I really like slow building of camaderie you have rather than the headlong jump into angst that fanfic usually does with the two of them.

And you give good plot and dialogue and humor the interludes are illuminating. Yay. Looking forward to more.


xenokattz March 19 2007, 19:27:42 UTC
Bwahahaha! My cunning Summers-takeover plan is working. Tomorrow: the world!

I first started writing Cyclops&Gambit stories upon the realisation that the two of them have never had an argument-- at worst, they just didn't hang around each other and at best, they were friends. I liked the idea of the latter because they're such perfect foils for each other. Also, they're two of my favourite male X-Men. ;) Alex has always seemed to be compared to Scott and found watnng; in this story, I just gave him the mother of all middle-child syndromes. And Adam (who is actually, the X-treme, a long forgotten possible-Summers from the late 90's), is pretty much a blank slate in terms of canon so I could have fun with him.

Re: Jean's return, Lorna as a mutant, Alex as a mutant-- I'm going to have to be very Marvel and say that I can't reveal anything at the moment. I'm sorry. If I deny one, it may implicitly confirm another and I'm power-tripping too much on the suspense. ;)

So I'm glad you took the chance on something different and I'm very VERY pleased that you enjoyed it, too! I especially appreciate the time you took to leave such detailed feedback. Hope you like the rest of the story.


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